Motion Forword - Words of a Therapist: Surf, Spoons and Settling into a new Space

Welcome to Motion Forword - Words of a Therapist! Number 17! 

Motion Forword is about discussing the combined benefits of movement with a positive mental attitude. Using my personal/professional experiences, evidence-based research and some of your own experiences. 

Bringing some hope, positivity, happiness and maybe usefulness to those, perhaps like yourself, that needs a pick me up. 

Something about me - Sea, Sun and (trying to) Surf

So this issue of Motion Forward comes quite late AND quite early.

November turned out to be a busy month with clinic, illness and holiday. So this issue of MF will be a culmination of November and December…

I went surfing at the end of November!


Guess the number of seconds between these two photos!

‘Everyone should go surfing so they can be humbled by nature’

Something that was said by someone I met whilst spending a week in Morocco with my brother.

It’s true.

The ocean can really kick your a**e if you are not paying attention.

My second day surfing was testament to that. You could tell everyone (even the more experienced surfers) were feeling a little apprehensive about the conditions we encouraged ourselves into! 

For me, it took about 10mins before I had to give up.


I tried to get through the crashing waves to ‘the back’ (where you go to catch the waves as they form) but I was caught in two washing machines (the wave pushing you under and turning you around and around) one after the other and gasping for breath, I knew I was out of my depth.

I retreated to the shore finding others who were having a similar problem. 

Having used all your strength to try and beat the waves and get through them, the washing machines were terrifying as I had no strength to fight them. 

So yes, humbled was an understatement.

But it didn’t stop me. I continued to practice in the white waves, the calmer waves on the days that followed and overall enjoyed the whole experience. 

Knowing when to quit and when to push yourself is quite a balance but something I often find in my clinic… 

The hair was quite the beast

Something for you - Spoon Theory


Isn't ChatGPT just magical!
(Although this is 'exactly' 10 spoons that I asked for)


I have found myself having to talk to multiple patients of late of ‘The Spoon Theory’.

The basic principle is this:

  • We have a limited number of ‘spoons’ to use per day

  • Our spoons reflect our energy reserves 

  • Each activity we do uses up a certain number of spoons

  • Spending too many spoons in a day may cause problems…

For example, I may have a total of 10 spoons and I use 1 spoon cooking that day, another 5 spoons during my day at work and 4 spoons for my salsa class in the evening. I have 1 spoon left over and I feel reasonably good.

However, if I tried to do another activity that same day, say… vacuum my home, repair my broken radiator or put the Christmas decorations up. Any and all of these would probably take me over my 10 spoon total. This may lead me to feeling tired, stiff, in pain or irritated/frustrated. 

I think we can all relate to ‘over doing it’ and the spoon theory gives us a tool to be mindful of how much we get done in a day and maybe when it's good to pull back. 

This theory is even more important for people suffering from chronic pain conditions, axial spondyloarthritic conditions like AS and neurodegenerative conditions like MS.

They may have the same number of spoons, but activities cost them more and they struggle to get as much done in the day without ramifications. Like more pain, more disability and further frustrations.

We all have pressures to get things done and we expect a lot from ourselves too. But the spoon theory gives us a visualisation of how we may be overspending on energy and license to hold back if we feel the need.

It can also give other people involved with our care (partner, spouse, children, carer etc) a helpful method to understand how we may be feeling and a reminder to help if they can or tell us to slow down.

A Story - Finally moved in


Me doing my best impression of being professional


It’s official!!!

I am now fully moved in at my new clinic: PhysioSTAR!

I have settled and feel really at home in my new space.

I have even, for the first time in my career, got my hard earned certificates on the wall! 

Look 👀👀


What a lovely looking clock


Seems strange to have 7 years of your life boiled down to two pieces of paper on the wall! 


I’ve really enjoyed being here and for those of you who have visited so far, you’ve enjoyed it too! 

A note on Christmas and New Year opening times.

I am available until Monday 23rd December at PhysioSTAR and the morning of the 24th at Hutchinson Health in Portchester. I still have availability on and before these dates to get yourself booked in if you need an MOT before Christmas!

I will be closed from the afternoon of the 24th and will be available again on the afternoon of the 2nd January. 

With that, all that is left to say is…

Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year. 


Thanks for reading.

Until next month…

Motion Forword ⏩⏩



Motion Forword - Words of a Therapist: Foody Bits, Slippy Discs and Chilly Nips


Motion Forword - Words of a Therapist - No16